synthesis programme câu
Anavar uses nitric oxide to allow for increased protein synthesis.Anavar sử dụng nitric oxide cho phép tổng hợp tăng protein. Its even...

No, I think people watch because it's a book programme and they love books.Không.Tôi nghĩ người ta coi chương trình vì họ yêu sách. An...

additive synthesis
synthesis techniques are subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, wavetable synthesis, frequency modulation synthesis, phase distorti...

ammonia synthesis
The ammonia synthesis reaction could be represented as followsPhản ứng tổng hợp amoniac có thể mô tả như sau: Catalysts such as magnet...

aperture synthesis
for their pioneering research in radio astrophysics: Ryle for his observations and inventions, in particular of the aperture synthesis ...

audio synthesis
The advent of audio synthesis and audio editing programs “made it possible to visualize sound in a way that wasn’t possible before,” sa...

chemical synthesis
Chemical synthesis with the help of acrylonitrile (CH2CHCN).Đồ bảo hộ lao động khi làm việc với Acrylonitrile (CH2CHCN) Chemical synth...

complete synthesis
It is certainly not easy to express in a complete synthesis the meaning, the content and the modes of evangelization as Jesus conceived...

formant synthesis
Formant synthesis does not use human speech samples at runtime.Tổng hợp định dạng không sử dụng mẫu lời nói của con người khi chạy. Fo...

frequency synthesis
DPLL digital phase-locked loop multi-channel frequency synthesis technology provides up to 200 channels at 250KHz channel spacing in a ...

image synthesis
Deepfake is a technique for human image synthesis based on artificial intelligence.Deepfake là một kỹ thuật để tổng hợp hình ảnh con ng...

natural synthesis
For this reason, glucocorticoid analogue drugs such as prednisone down-regulate the natural synthesis of glucocorticoids.Vì lý do này, ...

neoclassical synthesis
The new Keynesians helped create a "new neoclassical synthesis" that currently forms the mainstream of macroeconomic theory.Những người...

organic synthesis
Morpholine is widely used in organic synthesis.Morpholine được sử dụng rộng rãi trong tổng hợp hữu cơ. Allyl alcohol from glycerol and ...

program synthesis
Program Synthesis works fundamentally differently.Các ngôn ngữ lập trình về cơ bản hoạt động rất khác nhau. Gamalon calls the techniqu...

speech synthesis
This New Speech Synthesis Technology Can Fake Anyone's VoiceTrang chủ Cơ hội từ AI Công nghệ AI này sẽ cho phép bạn giả giọng nói của ...

subtractive synthesis
synthesis techniques are subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, wavetable synthesis, frequency modulation synthesis, phase distorti...

synthesis gas
Countries with large potential for synthesis gas based chemistry include China.Các quốc gia có tiềm năng lớn về hóa học khí tổng hợp ba...

synthesis method
The common synthesis method is the "Wislicenus process", which proceeds in two steps from ammonia.Phương pháp điều chế thông thường là ...

total synthesis
It also can be produced from total synthesis.Nó cũng có thể được sản xuất bằng cách tổng hợp. It also can be produced from total synth...

waveform synthesis
Waveform synthesis is the ability to control very precisely the way that electric fields vary their energy.Tổng hợp dạng sóng là khả nă...

a minimum programme
maximum dialogue - and minimum paperwork.a minimum programme — cương lĩnh tối thiểu

analysis programme
(a) When the organization is started and the job analysis programme is initiated for first time,Khi tổ chức được thành lập và sử dụng p...

application programme
Non-Chinese students are eligible to apply for this application programme.Nhiều sinh viên Trung Quốc không thể nộp đơn xin du học The A...

aurora programme
What is the Aurora Programme?Vậy dự án Aurora có gì? The Aurora programmeChương trình Aurora Other reports suggest the Aurora program...